Questions are the Answer

3 min readSep 11, 2020

Change your focus immediately

The same person, questions, and answers. Photo at Pixabay

Why is it when a question is asked, suddenly your brain starts performing a trillion calculations to determine and formulate an answer?

How can we use this to live in a state that is beneficial to our success and life?

A research study by NPR in Multitasking May Not Mean Higher Productivity showed the impairment of multitaskers, they wrote:

“We studied people who were chronic multitaskers, and even when we did not ask them to do anything close to the level of multitasking they were doing, their cognitive processes were impaired. So basically, they are worse at most of the kinds of thinking not only required for multitasking but what we generally think of as involving deep thought,”

If we look at our own personal experiences, you must have also at one stage in your life or many felt a lack of accomplishment and satisfaction when you were working on multi-tasks in the same period. Realising at the end of trying to achieve the impossible, that productivity and focus were not at their peak.

With this in mind, it is imperative that you can keep yourself laser-focused on one question. This will give you control. Allowing you to direct your mind rather than the reverse.

When you think about the mind, questions occupy time and energy. Whether this is to determine what to do, eat, watch, or play, it seems to always be looking to solve and question sometime, something, or someone.

Questions change your focus immediately. Due to this, it is important that you pay close attention to the questions the mind is working on, and where those questions are coming from.

Use questions to get out of brain loops. You know those brain loops that our brain sometimes enters and is extremely hard to get out. The mind is trying to solve a really difficult question or a situation that is completely out of your control. It attempts to run every combination trying to find the perfect path, however, it struggles, and because of this, it enters into a loop — running the same questions and scenarios over and over. It’s not entirely an infinite loop as we do manage to eventually get out. If you pay close attention, you will notice one way you got out was through different questions. Ask yourself a different, empowering question — a question to sets you free.

What are the questions you are asking yourself each day? Are these questions helping you achieve your ultimate success or are they an anchor holding you to the seafloor? If you don’t consciously pay attention, you will fall into a series of questions that are not yours. When the questions are not yours, you have granted control to external programmers who may not have your best interest.

When you let other people dictate the questions you are trying to solve, you are letting others program your mind. Your mind should only have one programmer and that is YOU.

Take conscious control of the questions you are solving. Make it a habit. Reinforce the empowering questions you have multiple times a day.

